

Here you will find the journal of a Queer, Mormon, Transhumanist.

Book Club Discussion Questions

Book Club Discussion Questions

I am flattered and honored to hear that people are reading Queer Mormon Theology at various book clubs and that folks are reaching out for a list of discussion questions. I’m thrilled to share this short list of questions to spur discussion at book clubs. Thank you everyone for your interest, support and love!

How have your perceptions of the word “queer” changed if at all? (Ch 1)

As a Latter-day Saint what can you do to create a theologically responsible narrative? (Ch 1)

What does God look like? How have those perceptions changed over your lifetime, if at all? (Ch 2)

We tend to fashion gods in our own image. How do your perceptions of God influence others? (Ch 2)

What does it mean to be a member of the body of Christ? (Ch 3)

How can each of us participate in the Atonement? (Ch 3)

What can you do to defend all families? (Ch 4)

If all genders are made in the image of God, what is God’s gender? (Ch 4)

How has technology been used to aid in the creation and flourishing of families? (Ch 5)

If families are not bound exclusively by genetics, housing, or legalities, what is a family? (Ch 5)

Where does one family end and another begin? (Ch 6)

What is an eternal family? (Ch 6)

How is eternity dynamic and not static? (Ch 6)

What kind of church policies would you like to see improve and how? (Ch 7)

How can you participate in continuing revelation? (Ch 7)

Leaving the Graveyard

Leaving the Graveyard

Queer Mormon Theology: An Introduction

Queer Mormon Theology: An Introduction